coconut cake


coconut cake


2 and 1/2 cup flour 

1 1/2 cups of sugar,

1/4cup butter 

3 eggs

1 cup of coconut milk

1 teaspoon of vanilla

1tsp baking powder

A grain of salt

1/2 cup grated coconut

Grated coconut for garnish


1. Take a deep bowl and beat butter with sugar, then add eggs, beat well, then add milk and vanilla.

2. Take the last bowl, put my flour, salt and baking powder, mix them well, then add the first bowl of ingredients to the flour and salt

And the powder, then add coconut and mix well until it forms a smooth dough.

3. Prepare a molded mold with a little butter and then pour the dough.

4. Put the mold in the oven for 20 minutes and test it with a thin knife until it ripses. .

5. Take it out of the oven, garnish it with grated coconut, then serve it.

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