Spouse Contacts One Another.


"Excuse me?"

W-"My darling, this is me. Have you gone to the club?"

"Yes," H replied.

"Excellent!" said W. Two blocks away from where you are, I am at the mall. Just now, I laid eyes on a stunning mink coat. It is breathtakingly beautiful! Is it available for purchase?

"How much is it?" H asked.

W-"Just $1,500.00."

H - "Alright, I guess you can get it if you're really into it that much..."

W - "Oh, and I went to the Mercedes showroom and checked over the 2001 models, too. One of them caught my eye. After chatting with the salesperson, I got a fantastic deal...and since we had to trade in the BMW we purchased a year ago...

H-"How much did he give you a quote for?"

A - "Just sixty thousand dollars..."

Okay, but I'd want it fully loaded with all the extras if it were that much money.

"Excellent!" said W. However, one more thing before we end the call...

A - "What?"

I was balancing your money account and... it seems like a lot, butThis morning, I paid a visit to the real estate agent and visited the property we had seen last year. Don't miss out on the bargain!

I thought you might recall. The one has a seaside location, an English garden, and an acre of park space.

“What is their asking price?” H asked.

W-"Amazingly, the price is only $450,000..."and it seems that we have sufficient funds in the bank to pay for that...

"Sure, I'll buy it for you if you'll just bid $420,000," H said. OK?”

"Alright, darling..."Thank you! Until then, take care! Dear, my darling,

H - "Okay...I also adore you...

After ending the call, the guy puts the phone down, shuts the cover, and then raises his hand to address everyone in the room:

"Could someone please tell me the owner of this phone?"

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