A frustrated wife was angry because her husband spent a lot of time at a nearby bar.


Being married can be hard sometimes. In a marriage, we experience special times with our partner like love, trust, and passion, but also disagreements and arguments. It's all about finding a balance.

This story will show you what marriage means and will make you laugh.

A woman was getting upset because her husband was always going out. She felt upset and ignored because he would spend time with his friends a few nights every week. She couldn't stop thinking about why he preferred to be with his friends instead of her. She pictured him having a good time while she was at home.

One day, she chose to talk to him and tell him she was upset about what he did.

"Why do you always go to that bar in your spare time?" What makes it so important that you can't stay home with me? She inquired of him.

The husband smiled because he saw it as an opportunity to share his point of view with her. Without thinking twice, he asked her to join him and his friends for a night at the pub. The woman was very happy because she could finally see what her husband was doing when he was not at home.

When they went into the bar, the woman was surprised by the loud music and the thick smoke from the cigarettes. The loud laughter that kept happening every few minutes was bothering her ears, but she chose to remain.

"What would you like, honey?" the husband asked her as they walked towards the bar.

"I'm not sure..." "I'll have what you're having," said the wife.

The husband agreed and asked for two shots of a strong, bitter drink. When the drinks came, he drank his quickly in one gulp without much of a reaction.

The wife was determined to stay on track, so she observed him and then took her glass. She lifted it to her mouth and took a careful drink. When the liquid touched her tongue, she made a face of disgust and spat it out while saying, "Yuck!" "That's really bad!" She coughed and looked angrily at her husband. "I don't understand how you can drink this!" she said, cleaning her mouth.

"Well, there you have it...” "And you believe I'm out having fun every evening!" he stated.

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