Kathy Bates' health: The actress had a strong reaction after being diagnosed with a condition that cannot be cured.


If you think that famous people in Hollywood are very different from us, stories like this one show that they are just regular people who feel pain and face challenges like everyone else.

In a recent interview with Dr. Phil, Kathy Bates, who has won an Academy Award, talks about her sickness and the challenges she faced without telling anyone.

Suddenly, life presented her with the most challenging role she had ever faced: fighting cancer for the second time.

In 2012, she found the courage to share with US Weekly, "Everyone knows I survived ovarian cancer, it's been nine years now." But not many people are aware that a few weeks ago I found out I have breast cancer. Describing what it's like to be diagnosed with this illness, she says, "You think American Horror Story is frightening? "You should have been there with me in that room."

After she found out she had ovarian cancer in 2003, her difficult journey began. She had many difficult surgeries and nine months of chemotherapy but chose not to tell anyone about it. She said to others:

"I didn't inform anyone." After the surgery, I kept working on the movie Little Black Book with Brittany Murphy. At that time, my representative was very traditional and did not want me to be the face of ovarian cancer. I didn't want anyone to find out, but it was really exhausting for me.

Her determination helped her overcome the situation and be cancer-free until the moment when her doctor informed her that the cancer had returned. She had cancer once more. She thought about whether this would lead to experiencing the same difficult and painful situation once more.

When she found out she had breast cancer, she wasn't very shocked because, as she puts it, "breast cancer is common in my family." After telling her followers about this, she chose to have both breasts removed to stop it from spreading more.

This time, she chose to use her sad experience to motivate other women. This courageous woman kept her lively personality throughout her journey. At one point, she even made a joke, saying, "I don't miss my breasts as much as I miss Harry's Law," and expressed gratitude to her fans for their support during difficult times.

She tried hard to change the difficult situation she was in for a better one, and we are fortunate that she succeeded.

At the moment, Kathy Bates is free of cancer. However, she now has a condition called lymphedema, which cannot be cured and impacts about 30% of women who have survived breast cancer. It happened because her lymph nodes were taken out. Regrettably, she is feeling pain and swelling that is causing her discomfort.

"It's a keepsake you surely want to avoid." I thought my life was finished. I thought I might never work again, and I was mad for a while.

This experience led her to talk openly about her situation in order to encourage other women to get regular check-ups and to let them know they have support in their fight. Bates also started working as a representative for the Lymphatic Education & Research Network (LE&RN).

"I am thankful that my difficult experiences have helped me find a reason to live." "It's funny how things turn out."

Here is her interview where she openly talks about how it feels to confront the challenges she has faced.

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