A Note from the Delivery Guy Made Me Install Security Cameras around My House – I’ll Forever Be Grateful to Him


A hasty mark on a delivery bag prompted me to rush to my backyard, where I made a distressing discovery that may have spared my family from a horrible situation. Our normal delivery man, Ravi, left a mysterious message that hinted to an ongoing threat that I couldn't turn a blind eye to.Affordable holiday packages for families

When I am too tired to prepare meals for my children, I often use meal delivery services as a single mother. After getting to know my kids, Kai and Isla, Ravi became more than a passing acquaintance; he became a buddy who would often stop to give them high fives before leaving. However, I had an uneasy feeling last Tuesday. Ravi showed up looking quite anxious. He ran returned to his vehicle after giving me our dinner, leaving me bewildered.

"Ravi, what's the matter?" Looking out the window, Kai inquired.

"My friend, I am not sure. I said, "Perhaps he's in a hurry," as I watched his vehicle go away down the street.

Setting the food on the kitchen counter, I couldn't help but notice something scrawled on the back of the delivery bag. I couldn't help but ponder about Ravi's peculiar conduct. The trembling handwriting grabbed my attention right away, and by the time I read the letter, I had completely forgotten about having supper.

Please examine your trash can.

In an effort to keep my cool in front of my children, my heart was racing. "How about you two get ready and then wash up?" I made the suggestion and ordered them to leave the kitchen. With Ravi's words ringing in my ears, I hurried to the backyard as soon as they left. With shaky hands, I crept up to the garbage cans and gingerly raised the lid of the first one. Just the same old rubbish, nothing special. My heart stopped beating when I cracked open the second can. Within, concealed behind a worn-out blanket, was a set of gloves, a handful of little implements, and a mystery substance contained in an unmarked container. A wave of terror washed over me.

"Mom who?" Feeling alright?" The suddenness of Isla's voice stunned me. I hurriedly closed the lid and flipped to face her, pretending to grin.

My dear, I am doing well. I am only verifying things. I will be waiting for you just inside.

The moment I realized Isla was nowhere to be found, I contacted the sheriff's department.

"Leona here, speaking to the Sheriff's Department."

Hey Leona, this is Nora. Please, come over right now. In my garbage, I discovered something unsettling.

As I detailed what was in the can, Leona's tone became grave. "Avoid touching anything. I'm almost about to go. Keep the youngsters inside until I arrive.

My worry persisted even after I hung up the phone. There had been a string of disturbingly identical break-ins in our area not long before, including the use of chemicals to break locks and painstaking evidence cleanup. I had the terrifying realization that my home might be next on the hit list.

"Mom, tell me what's happening." Kai saw my discomfort and requested.

I tried to comfort him, "Everything's fine," but my grin was artificial. It's dinnertime.

A knock on the door interrupted our meal. The sight of Leona through the peephole calmed my nerves, but my anxiety quickly dissipated.

I told them to "stay here and finish dinner," then I went outside to have a conversation with her. I filled Leona in on everything—Ravi's message, his odd conduct, and the contents of the trash can. With her eyes darting all over the street, she listened intently.

"Calling me was the right choice," she said. I will review what you have discovered and get it examined. While we wait, I urge you to beef up your security. We will be vigilant throughout the night.

I couldn't get any sleep that night. As I jumped at the slightest sound, I dove headfirst into studying security systems. I was anxious by morning due to my overconsumption of coffee and lack of sleep. First thing in the morning, I contacted a security firm.

Someone should put security cameras all around my home. Right now.

We don't have a space available till next week, ma'am—

I broke the silence with a "no." My house is about to be broken into. Such cameras are now required.

My tone of urgency must have resonated with the receptionist, as she lowered her voice in response. "Give me a chance to prove myself. Hold for a second, please. She came back with excellent news after what seemed like an eternity. There was a postponement. It will only take our crew two hours to get there.

As the security crew set up their cameras, I paced the home. There was an air of suspicion about every passing vehicle and dog walker. Leona, her face contorted into a grimace, came into my driveway as they were finishing up.

"Nora, let's have this conversation inside," she said. Prior to joining her, I sent the children to their rooms.

"The lab results are in," she said. "The liquid that you disco

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