The ‘three-dot tattoo’ – potential meaning and significance


In our core, we are creative beings who are always looking for new ways to express the complex web of feelings and thoughts that lives within us.

Some people express their creativity by writing, putting their thoughts on paper; others create physical things; and yet others participate in the visual arts. When something is manifested in a way that other people can see and understand, the medium of expression is less important than the act itself.

This is not an original idea. Architecture, gastronomy, clothing, and even the careful planning of cities bear the creative mark of a species that has been molding and creating for eons.

That many choose to turn their own skin into a living canvas is, however, not surprising.

For example, tattoos have long been very meaningful to many different cultures. Despite the scorn they've received from certain communities, their true value as windows into the mind is becoming increasingly apparent.

Tattoos are a way of expression for many people, often serving as a visual depiction of their values, hobbies, and goals in life. It's not unusual to come across designs that evoke strong emotions in people, whether it's via the use of meaningful symbols, phrases, or pictures.

Pinterest is credited.

Tattoos are a window into the brains of the people who wear them, and although sometimes that insight is obvious, other times it's hard to pin down.

But it's important to remember that tattoos aren't always a good thing. Some people wear emblems that most others frown upon. There are those who display visible warning signs in the form of marks.

The mysterious three-dot tattoo, which is often linked to the Russian penal system, serves as an appropriate illustration. The three dots in a line may not be as well-known as criminal insignia like teardrop tattoos, but many people are acquainted with them.

A tattoo of three dots - Image source: Wikimedia Commons

In addition to representing secrecy and unfaltering allegiance, the three dots on a tattoo may also symbolize the severity of one's incarceration. Most often seen on the left hand, this tattoo is said to have its roots in Buddhist iconography, signifying the three sages who "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil." According to this reading, the dots represent a rejection of aggression and misconduct.

However, in actuality, this emblem is most often associated with Russian prisons, where it denotes prisoners convicted of grave felonies. Three dots might mean that the individual has spent thirty years behind bars, as each dot is believed to signify a decade of imprisonment.

In addition, criminal groups may adopt tattoos as a symbol of loyalty, drawing attention to the wearer's ties to the group.

But when you see a real-life individual with a three-dot tattoo, trust your gut and use your best judgment.

Photo by Shutterstock

Some people may wear the emblem for no other reason than its visual attractiveness; they have no connection to crime whatsoever. Some of them may have changed for the better and are no longer a danger because of their rehabilitation and newfound stability in their life.

Therefore, while it is wise to refrain from jumping to conclusions, you should now have a better idea of what this strange symbol may mean.

The best course of action is to avoid making snap judgments, but at least you have some information to work with now!

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