Woman killed in head-on crash seconds after uploading Facebook status


A automobile accident sadly claimed the life of 34-year-old Courtney Ann Sanford, a lady widely regarded as an expert driver. Pharrell Williams's "Happy" was playing in the background while she drove, and she felt compelled to share the song on social media.

The caption on the selfie said, "This song makes me happy!"

That split-second of decision-making tragically ended in death.

Subsequently, Courtney's automobile was hurled into a ditch and a tree after a minute-long collision with a truck traveling at around 60 km/h. Tragically, she was trapped inside her burning automobile and did not survive the crash.

Her final Facebook post coincided with the tragedy, which her family discovered when they were informed. An 8:33 AM post was made, according to the police. We got the urgent call at 8:34 in the morning.

The senseless loss of life that this young woman's death has caused should serve as a stark warning to all drivers: never, ever text and drive.

You put everyone on the road, including other drivers, pedestrians, and passengers, in risk when you text and drive. You must pay close attention to the road. Remember that driving is more than simply getting fro

m point A to point B.

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